Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A new stage of life

Old people, older people, the elderly, pensioners, old boys or girls, retired people, senior citizens, ..., we have a variety of expressions to refer to people over 60. Some of the terms are considered more politically correct than others but, however you describe them, the majority of older people face similar problems.
In a recent survey, 45% of older people said that financial difficulties were their biggest problem. Many of them live alone, and their only source of income is the state pension. A large percentage of this income is spent on housing, food, heating and light, leaving a very small amount for clothing, transport and entertainment. In the winter, some older people worry about paying fuel bills and so economise on the cost of food. It is estimated that about two million older people have problems keeping warm and eating well in the U.K.  Do you think this situation is the same in Spain? Please, let us know your opinion.....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Government works in The United Kingdom

The Bristish Constitution is not written down. The rules are a mixture of conventions and laws that have been developed over many years. For example, they have a prime minister because of convention. They have a general election at least every five years because of the law. At a general election, every British man and woman aged eighteen and over can vote, but it is not compulsory.

Monday, March 07, 2011

What makes the British laugh?

Modern British humour derives from the music-hall tradition which had its most popular period at the begining of the 20th century. Singers, dancers, comedians and acrobats performed in "turns" to provide light theatrical entertainment. Bristish humour today is mainly urban in character, though only specific urban areas produce comediants. People from nothern cities like Liverpool and Manchester are funny because the alternative is suicidal dispair. Rural areas do not really generate humour because the British take the countryside seriously. Just click at the following link to discover what really makes the British laugh!

Friday, March 04, 2011

Eton School

Prince Harry and Prince William went there. David Cameron (the current prime minister of the UK) and 18 other British prime ministers did too. Eton is one of England´s most famous schools.
The full name of Eton is “The King´s College for Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor”. The school was founded by King Henry VI in 1440. The boys-only school was set up as a charity to provide free education to poor boys, who would then go on to King´s College, Cambridge.