First, you will be divided into groups of four. Two group members will be responsible for each job titles, bargain hunter and trip planner. Once you have been assigned your roles, you will then proceed to research your topic. There are three cities you will be comparing:
Los Angeles, California
New York City, New York
Miami, Florida
The two different job descriptions are given below.
1. Bargain Hunter: Your task is to find and compare information about prices on travel and accommodation. You will review the Web sites below to compare the overall costs of the trip to each of the three cities. Your goal is to find the cheapest rates you can for each city. Finally, you will also need to find the cheapest prices for a four star hotel room in each of the cities. Record all the information gathered on the Comparison Chart provided.
You will review these web sites in order to determine the best deals:
• Google maps
• Expedia
• Yahoo
• Altavista
2. Trip Planner: You task is to find out what activities to do in each of the three cities. You should prepare a list of the following: attractions, parks, tours, restaurants, and other features of the cities. You will include the costs of the activity (if any apply). You must choose at least five of these attractions to include in your brochure. . Organize the information you have found on the Trip Planner Worksheet ( see Conceptual Map)
You will review these web sites in order to find the attractions of the three cities.
USA Cities:
New York #1
New York #2
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
As a group, your final duty is to work together and evaluate the information you have gathered. You will create a brochure for the city that you determine is the best value that includes information and prices of travel and lodging, city attractions, as well as any other accommodations. Make sure the brochure is colorful and has pictures of the city and its attractions.